Common name Marbleleaf or Putaputaweta
Code 0.5ltr pot
Grade 50-60cm
Approx size in 10 years 5x4m

Carpodetus serratus


  • Grade: 50-60cm
  • Common name:: Marbleleaf or Putaputaweta
  • Code:: 0.5ltr pot
  • Approx size in 10 years: 5x4m

Also known as Marbleleaf and Putaputaweta. Has attractive marbled foliage and white flowers that are followed by purple fruit, ripening to black. Young plants will require protection from frost. Prefers soils that are moist in a semi-shaded position. Evergreen. Does not tolerate drought or strong winds.

Quantity Discount (%) Price
1 - 9 $8.95
10+ 5.03 % $8.50