Common name Boxwood Hebe
Code 1.3ltr
Grade 20-30cm
Approx size in 10 years 1 x1 m

Hebe Odora


  • Grade: 20-30cm
  • Common name:: Boxwood Hebe
  • Code:: 1.3ltr
  • Approx size in 10 years: 1 x1 m

Dark green box-like foliage and racemes of white flowers in summer. Can be clipped to maintain a neat shape and makes an attractive hedge. Prefers a well-drained soil but in cooler areas is more tolerant of damp conditions. Rounded shape. Prune after flowering to maintain shape and encourage bushy habit.



Quantity Discount (%) Price
1 - 9 $8.95
10 - 49 5.03 % $8.50
50+ 11.17 % $7.95
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