Common name Matai
Code PB3
Grade 40-50cm
Approx size in 10 years 4 x 3m

Prumnopitys taxifolia


  • Grade: 40-50cm
  • Common name:: Matai
  • Code:: PB3
  • Approx size in 10 years: 4 x 3m

This iconic tree transforms from a straggly tangled juvenile stage to a handsome tall tree. Bright-red fruit are attractive to birds.  Distinctive flaking bark has a hammered look. Yields high value timber. Common in lowland podocarp forests. Avoid frosts while young. Evergreen. Can reach up to 40 m high, with a trunk up to 2 m diameter.  Slow growth rate.


Quantity Discount (%) Price
1 - 9 $8.50
10 - 49 6.47 % $7.95
50+ 11.76 % $7.50
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